
Jarrett Kolich

  • Five-time National #1 Amateur BMX Cyclist  
  • Four World Cup titles as Amateur BMX Cyclist
  • Eight-year career as Professional BMX cyclist
  • Ranked World #8 as a Professional BMX cyclists
  • BS Kinesiology, Cal State Fullerton - Emphasis in Clincal Exercise Science
  • CSCS Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach
  • Member of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
  • Santa Barbara Body Therapy Institute  

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I became obsessed with the recovery process...

...because I suffered a lot of injuries during my BMX racing career. That's why I majored in kinesiology, laying the groundwork for becoming a physical therapist. I did all my internships, participated in clinics across the country, I had my future all planned out. And then I met Peter Park who early on also aspired to be a PT. But Peter convinced me that I’d have more freedom as a trainer, so I started shadowing him while he worked with his clients and saw exactly what he’d meant. I know I made the right decision. 

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When I meet a new client for the first time...

...I put them through a pretty thorough assessment: We talk about past injuries, their life style and eating habits, and then I watch how they stand, walk, hinge and squat. Added up, it all tells me their story, and that's our starting point. 

There are two sides to being a strength and conditioning coach...

The first is science which is the study of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment, which is always uncovering knew methods, techniques and publishing data about it, something we all have to keep current on if we want to progress.... 

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The second side of training is the art of it... 

...which is how you apply the science to your daily practice, taking into account the individual, their motivation, their needs, their cares. That’s why being a trainer is not for people who are stagnant. You have to keep moving forward, keep up with the science, researching and learning and studying and experimenting - and knowing your client and what they need from you.

PRI (Postural Restoration Institute) helps me effectively assess...

...clientele and lays down the framework for how to keep our asymmetrical system in check.

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Platinum is a raw, no smoke-and-mirrors training facility...

...that bleeds progression. The trainers handle a wide array of clientele, from post-physical therapy, to professional athletes. This is the gym you want to be in because every trainer has "been there, done that" at the collegiate or professional level.




(805) 698-4995

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I suffered a back injury in college that went on to plague my aspirations for a semi-professional cycling career for almost twenty years. I invested significant time and energy into years of physical therapy, yoga, self-directed weight training, acupuncture, and massage but continued to suffer the same debilitating pain while riding. I was referred to Jarrett by a trusted friend and was immediately amazed at his depth of knowledge and innate talent for seeing an individual’s structural imbalances, strengths, and weaknesses. Jarrett read’s body movements and subtle impingements fluently. He sees motion three dimensionally, with the mind and vision of an engineer. Jarrett is, far and away, the most gifted, insightful, critically thinking, and adaptive health professional with whom I’ve ever worked. Within a few months of working with him my back problems disappeared. After three years of consistent training I am systemically stronger and more healthy than I’ve ever been. My strength, neurologic awareness, and the overall connection I’ve developed with my own musculature long surpassed any of my initial goals. Jarrett not only fixed me, he has taught me how to protect myself from injury and helped me develop into the athlete I dreamed of being.
— Tiffany Allmandinger - Former amateur single speed cross country world champion
As an 80-year old with shoulder function limitations, knees recovering from implant surgery and fears of falling with fractures due to osteopenia, I have greatly benefited having Jarrett as my personal trainer. I am always amazed at his knowledge of training in human anatomy with emphasis on the musculoskeletal and physiology and his ability to customize exercise patterns to facilitate my strength development and healing. With this knowledge and training he seems at ease training athletes as well the elderly who are at risk for fracture from bone weakness.
— Dr. Glynne Couvillion

There are a lot of reasons why I train with Jarrett. First, his experience as a professional athlete means he knows fitness at a high level. Second, his education in kinesiology means he knows how the body works. And third, with absolute enthusiasm, he’s dedicated to making each of his client’s workouts the best. I am 66 years young and Jarrett has safely gotten me to my best possible level of fitness.
— Barbara Rogers

Over the course of a few months, Jarrett changed the way I stand, walk, and move. As a result, my back pain disappeared and my whole body feels like it’s working right for the first time.
— Jeff K.

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